Naturopathic Services

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Diagnostic Medicine

Have you been to multiple doctors without an answer? Using modern diagnostic testing, we can help find the root cause of your illness. Dr. Dramov specializes in investigating the underlying condition or health issue, helping to support your body and improve your health.

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Preventive Medicine

Evaluating your whole health to provide a comprehensive treatment plan to prevent illness and disease. We use a combination of therapies involving diet, exercise, lifestyle, nutrition, supplements, and if needed, medications, to find the right combination to reach your goals.


Hormone Replacement Therapy,
Men & Women

Declining hormones leads to increased aging. Replacing critical hormones — such as estrogen, testosterone, or thyroid — provides improved energy, better concentration, improved sleep, improved libido and sex, and better muscle tone. Hormones can really bring vibrance back into your life.

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IV & Fluid

Administering nutrients through intravenous (IV) therapy is an effective way to address illnesses. We offer IVs with a variety of vitamins and minerals, tailored to your specific needs for immune support, antioxidant support, dehydration, infection, or overall performance. 

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Concussion and Post-Concussion Syndrome

Using a combination of nutrient/supplement therapies and platelet-rich plasma (PRP), we can help reduce acute and chronic inflammation in the brain, reducing symptoms and recovering brain/memory function.

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PRP Drops for
Dry Eyes

Using PRP, we create a unique eye drop solution, tailored to your body, to relieve and heal dry eyes.

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Chronic Illness

Natural medicine that assists the body in repair and healing of issues like fatigue, thyroid conditions, autoimmune disease, insomnia, gastrointestinal issues, food allergies, MS and Fibromyalgia.

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Dietary interventions, nutrient therapies, and nutritional supplements. We utilize multiple therapies to help heal the gastrointestinal tract and create properly functioning digestion, which is important for good health. This helps issues like ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, food allergies, IBS, IBD, constipation, gastroparesis, diarrhea, bloating, acid reflux and indigestion.

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ADD, ADHD, and

Dr. Dramov has been working with children and adults with Autism / ADD / ADHD / Asperger’s since 2002. Using a combination of treatments such as dietary modifications, nutrient therapies, supplements, and medications, patients have seen improved focus, attention, mood, behavior, self-control, and sleep.